Issue - meetings

Shared Services Highlight Report

Meeting: 15/02/2010 - Performance Management Board (Item 80)

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The Board considered the Shared Services Report and shared concerns in respect of members of staff leaving and staff taking up their new posts.  The Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships confirmed that the management team had been appointed and that there were two vacancies; Head of Customer Service and Head of Planning and Regeneration.  He undertook to provide Members with details of the new structure.  Although the structure would not be officially in place until 20th April 2010 the Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships confirmed that the post holders would take up their new roles unofficially with immediate effect in order to ensure a smooth transition.  Members were also assured that the Strategic Management Team and Corporate Management Team were meeting regularly to ensure this was the case.


RESOLVED that the Board extends its thanks to all staff for their professionalism during these difficult times.