Issue - meetings

Annual Artrix Performance Report

Meeting: 15/02/2010 - Performance Management Board (Item 77)

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The Board considered a report on the performance of the Artrix Arts Centre which also updated them on the current progress being made in establishing a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the Artrix’s Operating Trust.


The Head of Leisure and Cultural Services gave background information on the Centre and confirmed that he expected the SLA to be signed in mid March 2010 and in place with effect from 1st April 2010.  The aim of the SLA was to establish a framework whereby the operation of the Artrix Centre would be focused on the key objective and priorities of the Council and a key set of performance measures had been established to monitor the delivery of the Centre based on these.


Members discussed the Centre’s success, the financial agreement, other funding the Centre received and the SLA in detail.  The Head of Leisure and Cultural Services confirmed that the funding provided by the Council is paid quarterly in advance and that the Council was invoiced for this by the Centre.  Members were also advised that the financial agreement with the Centre was for a 10 year period and would be reviewed at year 8 (2013).  It was anticipated that from 2015 the funding would begin to be gradually scaled back and that eventually the Centre would, hopefully, become self sufficient.


A Member of the Board shared the Artrix Operational Trust’s concerns which had been discussed at a recent meeting in respect of the proposed new Blue Light Campus.  The Trust had been informed about a new road, specifically for Blue Light use, which would bypass the A38 and take the vehicles into School Drive, and would be very close to the Centre.  The Trust was very concerned about the impact that this would have on performances at the Centre, particularly from the sound of the sirens, which could potentially be very damaging to the Centre.  The Head of Leisure and Cultural Services advised that he understood that this only related to the Fire Service.  The Board discussed this in detail and agreed that urgent clarification of the situation was needed.


The Board discussed the programme of events and the use of the Centre by local groups and the community involvement.  The Head of Leisure and Cultural Services advised that in the recent Place Survey when residents had been asked how satisfied they were with theatres/concert halls, only 39% had been satisfied.  It was anticipated that through further promotion of the Centre that this would be increased in the future.  Members were informed that the Centre had a successful partnership with North East Worcestershire College and project support from Worcestershire County Council and the Arts Council of England, was open 7 days a week and only had 2 full time members of staff.  Members recognised that it relied largely on volunteers and provided a wide variety of activities, including workshops and live performances. 


Members asked whether there was a potential role for work to be undertaken with vulnerable young people or  ...  view the full minutes text for item 77