Issue - meetings

Verbal updates on progress of Scrutiny Task Groups (to be given by the Task Group Chairmen)

Meeting: 02/03/2010 - Overview Board (Item 55)

Verbal update on progress of Community Involvement in Local Democracy Task Group (Task Group Chairman: Councillor L. J. Turner)


The Chairman of the Community Involvement in Local Democracy Task Group provided the Board with a comprehensive list of the witnesses the Task Group had either interviewed or received presentations from to date, including: 

  • Customer First Manager
  • Senior Corporate Policy and Performance Officers
  • Elections Manager
  • Equality Officer
  • Committee Services Officer
  • IT Manager


Members were also provided with details of the planned future meetings and it was confirmed that a press release had been issued inviting members of the public to share their views on the subject.  The Chairman confirmed that the Task Group was on a tight schedule which had resulted in a lot of meetings in a very short space of time.


The Board noted that there had been disappointing Member attendance at several of the meetings and a general discussion followed covering the following points:

  • Lack of Member volunteers
  • The number of Task Groups
  • The good quality work produced by Task Groups
  • More detailed Work Programme planning
  • Lessons learnt


The Board asked the Chairman of the Community Involvement in Local Democracy Task Group if it had planned to look at petition procedures and Calls for Action.  The Chairman confirmed that this would be included in the work of the Task Group and Officers advised that they were working on a formal procedure for the presentation of petitions.