Verbal Updates
The Strategic Planning Manager updated the Working Party on a number of issues as follows:
Bromsgrove Core Strategy
It was noted that work was on-going in the development of the Bromsgrove Core Strategy. As part of this meetings were taking place with the Advisory Team for Large Applications who were likely to be assisting with matters such as detailed master planning.
Longbridge Area Action Plan (AAP) Implementation
The impact of the economic recession on the implementation of the Longbridge AAP was recognised. Discussions had taken place with partners in relation to the likely submission of planning applications targeting certain smaller elements of the AAP which could be delivered such as food retail. In addition, it was likely that the public sector elements such as Bournville College could also go ahead at an earlier stage than other parts of the AAP.
This was noted.
Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
It was noted that the Affordable Housing SPD was still out for consultation.
Hot Food Takeaways Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
It was reported that work was on-going with West Mercia Police to obtain any evidence of a link between hot food takeaways and crime and disorder. It was intended to commence public consultation on the SPD and to include any such evidence at a later stage.
This was noted.