Issue - meetings

Bromsgrove and Redditch Core Strategies - Redditch Growth Consultation (to follow)

Meeting: 21/01/2010 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 23)

23 Bromsgrove and Redditch Core Strategies - Redditch Growth Consultation pdf icon PDF 105 KB


The Working Party considered a report on progress regarding the joint working which had taken place between this Council and Redditch Borough Council on the issue of Redditch Growth. Consideration was also given to the draft joint consultation leaflet which had been produced.


The Strategic Planning Manager referred to discussions which had taken place with Redditch at Member and officer level. It was stressed that at present the three possible locations for the growth within the Bromsgrove District were intended to be indicative only.  There was a great deal of further work to be undertaken by the Strategic Planning section as there was insufficient evidence at present to favour any particular site over any other.


During consideration of this item there was some discussion on the role and relationship of the two joint Bromsgrove and Redditch member groups. The Strategic Planning Manager undertook to clarify this issue. 


The approach proposed in relation to public consultation within Bromsgrove was generally welcomed i.e. to target public meetings in the areas to be affected by the proposals. In addition all the usual forms of consultation would be undertaken including offers to meet with the Parish Councils and other representative groups. 


In relation to the content of the leaflet, it was felt that local Members should have an input into the final text to be included. At the meeting specific comments were made as follows:


  • the reference to Arrow Valley from the section on Option East of A441 (Birmingham Road) should be removed;
  • the arrows from indicative plan showing growth options should be removed;
  • statement should be included that officers from both Authorities will be in attendance at the drop in sessions for the public;
  • Include reference that public meetings are be held in the affected Parishes even if the dates are not yet fixed;
  • the closing date of 15th March 2010 for receipt of comments should be highlighted.




(a)       that the progress made on joint working between Redditch Borough Council and Bromsgrove District Council be noted;

(b)       that the Redditch Growth Leaflet and consultation arrangements be approved, subject to the amendments referred to above and any other input from local Members; and

(c)        that authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Environment Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning to agree any necessary changes to the leaflet to enable public consultation to commence on 1st February 2010.