Issue - meetings

Integrated Finance and Performance Report - Verbal Update

Meeting: 18/01/2010 - Performance Management Board (Item 64)

Integrated Finance and Performance Report - Verbal Update


The Head of Financial Services advised that further to the report given to the Board on 16th November 2009, when an estimated over spend of £400,000 was reported, that this has now been reduced to approximately £84,000.  The Integrated Finance and Performance Report for quarter 3 of 2009/10 would be completed by the end of the week, when the exact figure would be available.


This reduction had been achieved in several areas, as previously reported.  The Assistant Chief Executive confirmed that officers had spent time reviewing departmental budgets.  The centralising of stationary had been successful, together with the review of non essential training. 


Members again shared their concerns that a reduction in training may have a detrimental effect on the Council’s continued improvement.  Officers assured Members that any business critical training would continue for staff, and in cases where several members of staff need the training, one person would attend and feedback to the rest of the team.


The Head of Financial Services answered questions from the Board in respect of income from Council Tax and in particular the recovery of unpaid household tax and the number of payments made by direct debit.  She confirmed that the Council was on target for the recovery of unpaid household tax and 0.5% down on non-domestic rates.  More residents were using direct debit as a form of payment, which was advantageous to the Council.


The Chairman thanked the Head of Financial Services for her attendance.