Issue - meetings

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Meeting: 02/02/2010 - Overview Board (Item 49)

49 Forward Plan of Key Decisions - 1st February to 31st May 2010 pdf icon PDF 388 KB


The Board considered the Forward Plan of Key Decisions 1st February to 31st May 2010 and expressed concern that several items which had been placed late on the Forward Plan did not give the Overview Board sufficient time to consider them before being presented to Cabinet.  The Head of Financial Services advised Members that she understood their concerns but explained that in some cases circumstances changed and Cabinet needed to take action as quickly as possible.


The Board was also concerned that there was an element of slippage on some items on the Forward Plan and asked for clarification as to why this had occurred.  The Head of Financial Services advised that this was, in some cases due to the implementation of the Shared Services Management Team structure and asked Members once again to bear with the Management Team during this transitional period.


Members discussed possible items on the Forward Plan to investigate such as the Economic Development Strategy. However, officers confirmed that the Economic Development Strategy was in fact an item that was already included on the Scrutiny Board Work Programme.