Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker

Meeting: 02/02/2010 - Overview Board (Item 48)

48 Overview Board Quarterly Recommendation Tracker pdf icon PDF 86 KB


The Board considered the Quarterly Recommendation Tracker and was advised that officers were modifying the template of this document to incorporate more clarified information.  Members agreed it would be useful to include the Portfolio Holder’s details, the date when the item came before the Overview Board and a timescale to cover implementation and the outcomes of each recommendation.  This would enable Members to monitor more closely the outcomes from recommendations and take any action necessary to ensure these were implemented and to see what had been achieved.  Members were advised that the information would also be included in the Overview & Scrutiny Board Annual Report.


The Board discussed the recommendations agreed by the Overview Board at its meeting on 3rd November 2009, on the Communications Strategy Review 2009, “that a simple easy to read breakdown of BDC’s responsibilities and service provision be provided periodically at key times of the year to residents to communicate how BDC allocates spending according to residents’ priorities and BDC budget allocations, emphasising value for money”.  Members were advised that it was difficult for the Council to make amendments to the information provided in this way.  The Head of Financial Services informed the Board that a full page “advertisement” was usually put in the local press and the information was also contained within Together Bromsgrove.  As Members were concerned that this was not published until later in the year, the Head of Financial Services undertook to check this with the relevant department and, if necessary, ask if it would be possible to bring the date forward.


Members drew attention to the recommendations of the Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Free Zones Task Group, agreed by the Board on 3rd February 2009, particularly the recommendation “Maximise use and effectiveness of CCTV” and requested details of the outcome of the implementation of this decision.



(a)               that the Overview Board Quarterly Recommendation Tracker be noted and updated;

(b)               that officers make enquiries in respect of the implementation of the Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Free Zones Task Group recommendations and report back to the Overview Board at the meeting to be held on 30th March 2010; and

(c)               that a new template for the Quarterly Recommendation Tracker be submitted to the Overview Board meeting on 30th March 2010 for approval.