16 Minutes, and matters arising PDF 69 KB
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Councils' Forum held on 22nd September 2009 were submitted.
Miss Harrison referred to the minutes and expressed concern over the consultation procedures relating to the issue of Certificates of Lawfulness in that her Parish Council wished to comment on applications for proposed developments, as well as existing developments. The Chairman confirmed that the matter would be investigated and arrange for the Parish Council's concern to be communicated to the relevant department(s) within the Council.
Mr. J. Cypher stated that he had recently encountered problems using the 'Public Access' planning / licensing website facility and questioned whether the parishes could be afforded additional time to respond to consultations. Mr. Dicks stated that he was aware of issues with the software and that he would speak to colleagues in Planning and Environment Services about the problems. However, he added that the Council would still have to work within statutory deadlines or run the risk of applications for planning permission being appealed for non-determination.
RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record.