Issue - meetings

Planning Policies

Meeting: 06/02/2007 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 18)

Planning Policies


It was reported that at recent Meetings of the Planning Committee reference had been made to the need to review some of the existing Development Control Policies. At present these Policies were scheduled for review in November/December 2008. The Policies referred to were relating to matters such as:


  • Agricultural Diversification
  • Nursing/Care Homes
  • SPG10
  • Residential Design Guide revision
  • Horseyculture


It was suggested that in order to begin to address these and other Policies which appeared to be causing some concern, Officers report to this Working Party on the basis of one report per Meeting to allow for a consistent programme of debates throughout the period leading up to  December 2008.


RESOLVED:  that a programme of discussion and review of Development Control Policies be commenced on the basis of consideration of appropriate reports to this Working Party.