Issue - meetings

Worcestershire Enhanced Two Tier (WETT) Programme - Business Case for Regulatory, Audit and Property Services

Meeting: 06/01/2010 - Cabinet (Item 136)

136 Worcestershire Enhanced Two Tier (WETT) Programme - Business Case for Regulatory, Audit and Property Services pdf icon PDF 168 KB

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The Cabinet considered a report on the WETT Programme and in particular the detailed business cases as they stood at present for Property Services, Regulatory Services and Internal Audit. Consideration was also given to the feedback received arising from the staff consultation exercise and the responses thereto. It was reported that the matters would be further progressed and considered at Council on 20th January 2010.


Following discussion it was



(a)       that the two tier and joint working proposals for Property Services, Regulatory Services and Internal Audit contained within the WETT detailed business cases attached to the report be approved, on the basis that the associated risk implications and governance arrangements are to be finalised;

(b)       that subject to the agreement of the Worcestershire Councils i.e. Worcestershire County Council, Worcester City, Bromsgrove District, Redditch Borough, Malvern Hills District, Wychavon District and Wyre Forest District, a unified Regulatory Service for the Worcestershire Councils, jointly hosted by Bromsgrove and Redditch Councils (with Bromsgrove as the employing authority) be established from 1st June 2010 under the auspices of a Joint Committee; on the basis set out in the Regulatory Service Detailed Business Case V10, Part 1 and Part 2 (Rev.1) and supported by the Regulatory Services Detailed Business Case Executive Summary V3.2 attached as an appendix to the report;

(c)        that this Council’s functions in relation to Environmental Health and Licensing Services (other than those licensing functions which cannot be delegated) be delegated to a Joint Committee in accordance with Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 and Section 20 of the Local Government Act 2000 and the Local Authorities (Arrangement for the Discharge of Functions) (England) (Regulations) 2000;

(d)       that subject to such an agreement being concluded, relevant staff from all Councils agreeing to the Regulatory Services Business Case be transferred to this Council under TUPE arrangements;

(e)       that the financial arrangements for the new Regulatory Service as set out in the Detailed Business Case V10 be approved as the basis for Regulatory budgets;

(f)         that subject to the agreement of the participating Worcestershire Councils i.e. Worcestershire County, Worcester City, Bromsgrove District and Redditch Borough, a Shared Property Service (hosted by Worcestershire County Council) be established on the basis set out in the Property Services Detailed Business Case V6 and the supporting Detailed Business Case Executive Summary V1 attached as an appendix to the report;

(g)       that the transfer of staff to Worcestershire County Council as service provider be approved on the terms proposed from the commencement date;

(h)        that this Council enters into a Service Level Agreement on the basis set out in the Property Services Detailed Business Case V6 and supporting Property Services Detailed Business Case V1, as amended to reflect any final agreement made between the Partner authorities;

(i)         that the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services be authorised to finalise the terms of the collaboration agreement and the Service Level Agreement and to execute the agreements on behalf of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 136