Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/02/2010 - Overview Board (Item 45)

45 Review of Procurement Arrangements pdf icon PDF 91 KB

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The Board received a report on the current procurement arrangements and practices in place across the Council to support the delivery of Value for Money.  The Head of Financial Services gave background information and advised Members that the Council had had a procurement advisor since 2006. The officer was shared with Redditch Borough Council in the delivery and advice of procurement activities across both councils. 


Members were informed that a procurement code and strategy had been developed to ensure a consistent approach and to provide appropriate levels of internal control when procuring goods and services.  It was anticipated that a significant element of the Government efficiency targets would be delivered through collaborative procurement and improved practices within local authorities.  The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) had revealed in its annual statement that the public sector had achieved a record £1.4bn savings from procurement collaboration schemes.


Members were advised that the Use of Resources Framework included a focus on procurement and specifically identified improvement to Value for Money that could be delivered through procurement opportunities.  The Council had scored 2 (out of 4) on these areas.  Officers were preparing a self assessment in relation to the use of resources for 2009/10 which would include the improvements to procurement and identify areas of concern.  In addition, a County wide exercise had been undertaken, funded by the Regional Improvement Agency, to identify the supplier base across the County.  It was anticipated that this information could be used to drive collaborative working and encourage renegotiation with suppliers.  The report in relation to this information would be available shortly.


After detailed discussion, Members agreed that it would be a useful exercise, for both Members and officers, for the Board to consider the procurement arrangements and strategy in more detail.



(a)               that the Board note the current arrangements in place in relation to procurement and relevant regulations; and

(b)               that a detailed review of the procurement arrangements be included in the Overview Board Work Programme for the year 2010/11.