Issue - meetings

Annual Monitoring Report

Meeting: 16/12/2009 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 16)

16 Annual Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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The Working Party considered the contents of the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) for 2008/2009.


It was noted the Council was required to produce the AMR under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and that the report was required to assess both the implementation of the Local Development Scheme and the extent to which policies in Local Development Documents were being achieved. The report would be submitted to the Government Office of the West Midlands (GOWM).


During the discussion on this item, the Head of Strategic Planning reminded Members that the Council had originally been informed that the Report of the Secretary of State, setting out the proposed changes to the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) Examination in Public Panel Report, would be received on 16th December 2009. It had been anticipated that a verbal update could be provided to this meeting. The Head of Strategic Planning reported that unfortunately he had very recently received notification from the GOWM that the Secretary of State’s report would now be delayed until “the New Year”. Clearly this would have the effect of delaying the formal twelve month consultation period on that document and the subsequent revised version of the Draft Core Strategy.


Members expressed concern and disappointment that following the onerous RSS process, during which this Authority and other parties had been required to meet a number of stringent deadlines for submission of documents, the delay of the Secretary of State’s response report, with no indication as to the likely date of receipt, could now have an adverse impact on the production of the Core Strategy.


Members felt that the section of the report relating to the provision of affordable housing was unduly critical and requested additional wording to explain the position. A number of minor amendments were also requested.   



(a)       that a letter be sent to the GOWM, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and the Local Government Association expressing concern and disappointment regarding the delay in the receipt of the Secretary of State’s Report on Changes to the Regional Spatial Strategy; and

(b)       that subject to the minor changes referred to above, the Annual Monitoring Report 2008/2009 be approved and submitted to the GOWM.