Additional documents:
The Report of the Head of Planning and Environment Services relating to non-confidential and non-exempt items was submitted.
Arising therefrom:
Further consideration was given to this matter which had been deferred at the last meeting, and, in this regard, an updated Appendix A was circulated for consideration by Members. Whereupon it was
RESOLVED that the fees for taxi licences for the year 2007-2008 be increased by 3% resulting in the following fees:-
Hackney Carriage £275.00
Private Hire £251.50
Private Hire Operator £260.50
HC/PH Drivers Licence £82.50
Mid-term Vehicle Test £51.00
Vehicle Re-test if MOT certificate is required £51.00
Meter Test £21.50
Conversion of Vehicle Licence to P/H or H/C £20.60
Replacement Vehicle Plate £10.30
Replacement Driver's Licence £6.20
Trailer Test £18.00
Transfer of Ownership of Licensed Vehicle £20.60
Criminal Bureau Check £37.00
(NOTE: Councillor Ms. J.A. Marshall declared a personal interest in this item on the grounds that she was a frequent user of the various taxi firms in the town).
RESOLVED that the Hackney Carriage fees for the year 2007-2008 remain unchanged.