Issue - meetings

To consider an application to vary a Club Premises Certificate in respect of Romsley and Hunnington Sports Club

Meeting: 27/11/2009 - Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 46)

46 application to vary a Club Premises Certificate in respect of Romsley and Hunnington Sports Club, rear of 332 Bromsgrove Road, Hunnington, Halesowen pdf icon PDF 95 KB

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The Sub-Committee was asked to consider an application to vary a Club Premises Certificate in respect of Romsley and Hunnington Sports Club, rear of 332 Bromsgrove Road, Hunnington, Halesowen.  The application was subject to a Hearing in the light of representations which had been made by 13 residents living near to the premises as well as a local business.  The basis of their representations related to noise associated with people leaving the premises and that the extension in hours would only exacerbate the problems.  No representations had been received from any other Responsible Authorities.


The Licensing Assistant introduced the report and asked Members to note that the premises already held a Club Premises Certificate.  The Licensing Assistant informed those present that Members of the Sub-Committee had carried out an announced Site Visit to the premises prior to the Hearing.


Mr. Bray then put forward the case for the applicant.  He then went on to provide information on the measures put in place to address the car parking issues.  Mr. Bray proposed an alteration to the Operating Schedule to reflect the actual opening hours of the premises as 1000 hours to 0100 hours rather than 0130 hours as stated in the application and the report.  In addition Mr.Bray further agreed to amend the application in respect of New Year’s Eve, to  the effect that the hours sought for the supply sale of alcohol to members of the club and the retail sale of alcohol to guests to be those applicable on Friday and Saturday.


Supply sale of alcohol to Members of the Club

§         1000 hours – 0000 hours into the morning following every Monday through to Sunday.


Retail sale of alcohol to Guests

§         1000 hours – 0000 hours into the morning following every Monday through to Sunday.


Provision of regulated entertainment in the form of live music (inside the premises)

§         1000 hours – 0030 hours into the morning following every Monday through to Sunday.


            Provision of regulated entertainment in the form of recorded music, anything of a similar description to that of live music, recorded music or performance of dance, facilities for making music (inside the premises)

§         1000 hours – 0030 hours into the morning following every Monday through to Sunday.


Actual opening hours of the Club

§         1000 hours – 0100 hours into the morning following every Monday through to Sunday.


At the Hearing, the Interested Parties who had given notice of their intention to attend the Hearing called Mr. Fitzpatrick, Chairman, Hunnington Parish Council to act as their spokesperson, and he made representations on the grounds of noise nuisance arising from people leaving the premises,   concerns over increased parking creating obstructions on the footpaths; parking on the ‘private drive’ and anti-social behaviour.  Mr. P. Harris, Mrs. J. Moore and Mr. N. Moore (all Interested Parties who had given notice of their intention to attend the Hearing) and Members of the Sub-Committee put questions to the applicant.


Members heard directly from Mr. J. M.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46