Issue - meetings

Report from the quarterly meeting between the Leader and Chairman of the Overview Board (Verbal)

Meeting: 03/11/2009 - Overview Board (Item 38)

Report from the quarterly meeting between the Leader and Chairman of the Overview Board


The Chairman gave a verbal report back to the Board on a recent meeting between the Chairmen of the Overview Board and the Scrutiny Board and the Leader of the Council.  The Chairman reported that the Leader was very positive and generally very encouraged by the approach taken so far by the Overview and Scrutiny boards and that the Leader had been highlighted the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) as a potential area for scrutiny.  It had been agreed with the Leader that the LSP was an important body for Overview and Scrutiny as it brought together local partnerships and local organisations, including the council and that Overview and Scrutiny could play an important role in improving the effectiveness of partnership working.  The Chairman reported that the Chairman of the Scrutiny Board had also briefed the Leader on the progress and anticipated timescales for the scrutiny investigation into Hot Food Takeaways, which was due to report to the Scrutiny Board on 24th November 2009.