Issue - meetings

Work Programme

Meeting: 03/11/2009 - Overview Board (Item 39)

39 Overview Board Work Programme 2009-2010 pdf icon PDF 945 KB


Members of the Board considered a report of the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services on the Overview Board Work Programme 2009-2010.  The report presented the new Overview Board Work Programme arising from the Overview and Scrutiny Work Planning Workshop held on 6th October 2009 and outlined the process and rationale for the Overview and Scrutiny Work planning process for 2009-2010.  The Chairman introduced the report, outlined the process that had been followed to develop the work programme and explained that the topics selected and prioritised by all Overview and Scrutiny Members had been allocated between the Overview Board and the Scrutiny Board. The topics for the Overview Board were listed in priority order on the updated Overview Board Work Programme for final agreement. 


The Chairman invited the Board to identify any key evidence, witnesses or site visits they would like to include as part of the Overview Board investigations, so that this could be planned out.  The Bromsgrove Planning Policy topic was discussed and the Executive Director of Partnerships & Projects explained that the planning peer review group was due to report within about a fortnight.  It was considered that it would be a good idea to receive the report of the peer review as evidence to consider this topic and to invite a member of the peer review group to attend the Overview Board.  The Executive Director of Partnerships & Projects explained the peer review process and advised that four representatives from the Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) had visited the Council from 13th – 15th October to review the planning service.  Their brief included; the relationships with elected councillors, the relationships with customers and the interpretation of policy.  This was not an inspection but a detailed independent review.  The review body would report back and deliver recommendations that would inform an action plan.  It was also suggested that members of the Planning Committee also be invited to the Overview Board when it considered this topic on 5th January 2010.  It was explained that this topic had been linked to licensing because many of the same issues were perceived to be involved in relation to licensing. 


The proposed Task Group topic on Community Involvement in the Democratic Process was discussed.  The Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services explained that this topic could include some important duties of the council including the duty to promote local democratic arrangements, the duty to involve residents, consultation on the new executive arrangements and options and Democracy Year running up to the 2011 elections.  It was reported that the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services was due to meet with the proposed Chairman of the Task Group on 11th November 2009 to advise on the technical and operational aspects of the topic and the approach for the Task Group investigation. It was suggested that the voice of the general public / local residents should somehow be considered as part of the evidence for this topic.  Councillors Mrs J. M. L.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39