Issue - meetings

Communications Strategy Review

Meeting: 04/11/2009 - Cabinet (Item 92)

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Consideration was given to a report on the review of the Communications Strategy. During the discussion it was noted that the Overview Board had considered the Communications Strategy at its meeting on 3rd November 2009, particularly in the light of a forthcoming investigation into improving Residents’ satisfaction with the Council.  The Chairman of the Overview Board reported on the following recommendations of the Board in relation to the Strategy.


(a)       That the Mosaic System be purchased to enable communications on a variety of issues to be targeted to various groups of residents across the District.


            The Assistant Chief Executive confirmed that a budget bid had been submitted on the basis of the introduction of the Mosaic system for a one year trial period, following which time the success of the system would be evaluated.


(b)       That a simple, easy to read breakdown of the Council’s responsibilities and service provision be produced periodically at key times of the year with a view to informing residents how resources are allocated according to residents’ priorities and the Council’s budget allocations, with emphasis on value for money.  


            This approach was welcomed provided it could be achieved in a cost effective manner.


(c)        That more focus be given to communications with local neighbourhoods and communities outside the Town Centre.


            The Assistant Chief Executive referred to work planned with focus groups and organisations such as Parish Councils. There were a number of low cost solutions which it was intended to employ to address this issue. 


(d)       That linkages be enhanced between the Communications Strategy and Council services communications needs and other strategic service plans.


            The need for a consistent approach was fully recognised.


(e)       That defined strategic communications processes be established to enhance and facilitate appropriate communications for shared services, including appropriate shared costs and service to service arrangements.


            The importance of good communications in relation to shared services was recognised. It was emphasised that any costs were allocated on an equitable basis and met by each Council.


 RESOLVED   that the Communications Strategy be approved and the above comments be taken into account in implementing the strategy