Issue - meetings

Draft Core Strategy Consultation Feedback

Meeting: 15/10/2009 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 7)

7 Draft Core Strategy Consultation Feedback pdf icon PDF 129 KB


Consideration was given to a report on the outcome of the consultation process undertaken on the Draft Core Strategy. It was noted that 135 representations had been received from organisations, companies and individuals during the consultation period. 


The report summarised the key points of objection to the various policies within the Draft Core Strategy. Policy CP 2 relating to Distribution of Housing had generated the most comments and obviously the outcome of the RSS EIP had not been known at the time of the consultation process. It was now intended to produce a revised version of the Core Strategy taking account of the implications of the RSS EIP Panel and including Strategic Site Allocations. 


It was also reported that as part of the process of producing the Core Strategy, the Authority had participated in the Spatial Planning Peer Programme. Draft feedback had been received on how the process of producing the Core Strategy could be improved and developed and the main points were set out in section 4.4 of the report.  


There was discussion on how the Members of the Working Party could participate more fully in the development of the revised Core Strategy policies at an earlier stage, possibly by way of establishing small informal workshops or topic groups on a number of key issues in accordance with a suggestion of the Spatial Planning Peer Programme. The revised Draft Core Strategy would then be submitted to a future meeting of the Working Party. 



(a)       that the contents of the report including the responses to the Core Strategy consultation be noted;

(b)       that following the suggestions arising from the Spatial Planning Peer Programme, informal Member workshops be held to discuss and develop individual Core Strategy policies prior to consideration by the Working Party.