Issue - meetings

Shared Services Highlight Report

Meeting: 19/10/2009 - Performance Management Board (Item 47)

47 Bromsgrove Profile pdf icon PDF 59 KB

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The Chairman advised Members that they were asked to consider the Bromsgrove Profile report and make recommendations if appropriate for action to be taken where necessary.


Concern was expressed over the 16-18 year olds NEET (Not in Education Employment or Training) figure of 10.9%.  This was felt to be high and as the information was from May 2008 was likely to have risen further due to the current economic climate.  Members were concerned that the increase in NEETs could also have an effect on anti social behaviour in particular areas.  A query was also raised about services that were available to, and employment prospects of, young people with disabilities.  Members discussed these issues and felt that meeting the need of children and young people as described in the Bromsgrove Profile “To ensure all children and young people have the opportunity to participate in positive activities” which covered National Indicators and Local Indicators warranted further investigation.  It was felt that services could be available at both local and county level, which Members were unaware of.


Concern was also expressed over the percentages of people over 65 years of age without central heating.  Members noted that these figures were taken from the 2001 Census and were therefore outdated; nevertheless they were a cause for concern.  Members were informed that the Older Peoples’ Task Group had received a great deal of information on the benefits and services available and it was investigating lack of awareness.


Councillor Colella advised that the areas discussed had in fact been picked up and included within the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Workshop which had taken place on 6th October 2009.  Other topics within the report had also been included within the work programme. He felt that the Bromsgrove Profile was an important document to enable all the topics on the Work Programme to be taken forward.  He explained that these topics would be discussed at meetings of the appropriate Board and, if necessary the relevant task group set up.


RECOMMENDED that the Bromsgrove Profile be used as a primary document for the research of relevant topics on the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme.