Older People Task Group Scrutiny Exercise
Presentation by Mr. H. Bennett, Assistant Chief Executive (Councillor Mrs. M. A. Sherrey, Portfolio Holder for Vulnerable and Older People, will also be present for this item).
To obtain information and input from the parish councils on the three Task Group strands:-
· Healthy Living (inclusive of community facilities, activities, participation and inclusion);
· Housing (inclusive of market and social, supporting people - Telecare, adaptations, handyperson schemes); and
· Income and Employment (inclusive of pension and benefits advice, employment and training opportunities and preparing for retirement).
At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. H. Bennett, Assistant Chief Executive addressed the meeting and gave a brief presentation to the Forum about the work being undertaken as part of an Overview and Scrutiny exercise by the Older People Task Group.
He outlined how population projections indicated that there would be a likely increase in demand for different types of housing for older people, and how central government, together with local authorities, needed to understand and prepare for an ageing society. Mr. Bennett added that, although district councils do not have a statutory duty to provide for older people, plans needed to be established at an early stage to that the Council could play its part in providing the right services for the whole population.
Mr. Bennett referred to the Worcestershire Older People's Strategy but added that it was felt that the strategy for the whole County was too big and, therefore, the strategy was currently under review. He stated that a more localised strategy, focussing at a district level, would be likely to be more effective. In terms of present day services, Mr. Bennett outlined the current provision of services whereby older people were the target customers. Amongst others, these included the Shopmobility scheme, the over-60's swimming concession and the Lifeline service.
He went on to explain that the Overview and Scrutiny exercise would be looking at three key elements affecting the lives of older people within the District: (i) Housing; (ii) Health; and (iii) Income, Employment and Learning. Even at an early stage, there were a number of emerging recommendations from the Task Group; for example, giving greater publicity to existing services for older people, expanding the Lifeline service, continuing to ensure the provision of more housing for older people and to give the Worcestershire Older People's Strategy a more local, district dimension.
Mr. Bennett also referred to the week of events being promoted for UK Older People's Day on 1st October 2009, in which the Council had been involved. After answering a number of questions from members of the Forum, the Chairman thanked Mr. Bennett for his presentation.
RESOLVED that the Parish Councils members report back to their respective Parish Councils the questions raised during the presentation and provide feedback to the Older People Task Group in due course.