Issue - meetings

Street Trading Consent

Meeting: 07/09/2009 - Licensing Committee (Item 14)

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The Committee considered a report which reviewed the Council’s policy including the fee structure, in respect of street trading consent.  The report also referred to the possibility of extending the designated area to cover the entire district, with the exception of Bromsgrove High Street and its immediate environs.  It was proposed that the whole district (other than the High Street and surrounding streets) as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report be designated as a Consent Street and that the High Street and the surrounding area as detailed in  Appendix 1 of the report be designated as a Prohibited Street.  The Principal Licensing Officer responded to questions from Members and was tasked to provide Members of the Committee with more detailed information on ‘Trading in a trunk road picnic area’. Following further discussion it was



(a)       that the extension of the designated consent streets area to cover the whole of Bromsgrove district, with the exception of those streets as set out in  Appendix 1 of the report be approved;

(b)       that the streets shown in Appendix 1 of the report be designated as     prohibited streets;

(c)        that the revised Street Trading Policy including model conditions in      respect of Street Trading Consents as set out in Appendix 3 of the   report be approved;

(d)       that applications for Street Trading Consents which do not fall within    the Street Trading Policy or those in respect of which objections are    received be determined by the Licensing Sub-Committee;

(e)       that consideration to revoke a Street Trading Consent be determined by the Licensing Sub-Committee; and

(f)                 that public speaking be introduced at the Licensing Sub-Committee on contested applications for Street Trading Consents and that authority be delegated to the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Licensing Committee and the Principal Licensing Officer to prepare a hearing procedure and guidance to reflect paragraph 3.16 of the report.



(a)    that the Council approves and adopts the proposed fee structure;

(b)    that the scheme of delegation be revised in respect of street trading as follows:

(i)      “To authorise the Head of Planning and Environment Services to be responsible for inspections of premises to ensure compliance with street trading consent legislation, Council policy and any conditions attached to a consent; and

(ii)     “To authorise the Head of Planning & Environment Services to determine applications for consents for street trading in consent areas designated by the Council” .