Issue - meetings

Anticipated reports due to be considered by the Cabinet between July 2009 and April 2010

Meeting: 01/09/2009 - Overview Board (Item 28)

28 Anticipated reports due to be considered by the Cabinet from January 2010 pdf icon PDF 94 KB


Consideration was given to the list of anticipated reports within each service area that were due to be considered by the Cabinet from January 2010.


The Treasury Strategy was identified from the Financial Services Departmental Cabinet Forward Plan.  It was proposed that this issue be added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


The Contract and Procedure Rules update was identified from the Financial Services Departmental Cabinet Forward Plan.  It was proposed that this issue be linked to the procurement issue on the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


The New Council House Accommodation item was identified from the Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services Departmental Cabinet Forward Plan.  The Executive Director of Services reported back on the expected process for how this issue would be determined.  He said that by December 2010 there would be a report with more details. 


The Council Calls for Action, Crime and Disorder Legislation, Overview and Scrutiny, Boundary Reviews and Petitions item was identified from the Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services Departmental Cabinet Forward Plan.  The Scrutiny Officer advised that briefing sessions and training were being planned for later this year and that a draft outline plan for this had been prepared.  Further information would be sent to councillors when the details had been confirmed.  In the meantime, if any councillor would like any information on the proposed Member training and development for Overview and Scrutiny or would like to contribute suggestions for Member training and development needs in Overview and Scrutiny they could contact him.


RESOLVED that the list of anticipated reports to be considered by Cabinet from January 2010 be noted and that the issues proposed as possible items for future consideration be noted and added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny.