Issue - meetings

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Meeting: 01/09/2009 - Overview Board (Item 27)

27 Forward Plan of Key Decisions - 1st September to 31st December 2009 pdf icon PDF 151 KB

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Members of the board gave consideration to the Forward Plan which referred to the key and non-key decisions which were due to be made by the Cabinet during the period 1st September to 31st December 2009.


The Procurement and Value for Money Action Plan was identified from the Forward Plan as procurement was an issue that had been raised by Corporate Management Team (CMT) on 11th August 2009 as a possible area for consideration by Overview and Scrutiny.  The action plan was due to be considered by Cabinet on 2nd September 2009.  It was proposed that this issue be added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


The Choice Based Lettings Scheme was identified from the Forward Plan.  Members were interested to know how the scheme would be enhanced and developed.  A decision on this was due to be made by Cabinet on 4th November 2009.  It was proposed that this issue be added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


The Arts and Events Strategy 2010/2011 was considered from the Forward Plan and it was asked if older people are properly included in the strategy.  A decision on this was due to be made by Cabinet on 2nd December 2009.  It was suggested that it would be a good idea to publicise events happening at the Artrix. 


The Corporate Safeguarding Policy (Children and Vulnerable Adults) was identified from the Forward Plan.  A decision on this was due to be made by Cabinet on 2nd December 2009.  It was proposed that this issue be added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny. 


RESOLVED that the Forward Plan of key and non-key decisions due to be made during the period 1st September to 31st December 2009 be noted and that the issues proposed as possible items for future consideration be noted and added to the list of possible topics for Overview and Scrutiny.