Issue - meetings

Integrated Sickness Absence Performance and Health & Safety Report

Meeting: 20/07/2009 - Performance Management Board (Item 24)

24 Integrated Sickness Absence Performance and Health & Safety Report pdf icon PDF 131 KB

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Consideration was given to the integrated report on Sickness Absence and Health and Safety for the period ended 31st May 2009.


The Assistant Chief Executive undertook to “strip out” from the figures the short term absences which go on to be long term absences as previously requested. 


It was reported that a specialist advisor was to review the systems and measures which the Council had in place to address sickness absence and that the outcome of this would be reported to the next meeting of the Board.


It was reported that in relation to possible absences in relation to the H1N1 virus, contingency plans were in place and were being reviewed. 



(a)       that the report be noted;

(b)       that it be noted that contingency plans are in place in relation to possible H1N1 virus related absences; and

(c)        that a further report be considered following the receipt of advice from the National/Regional Employers on the payment of occupational sick pay and any advice on the Council’s sickness absence procedures.