Issue - meetings

Improvement Plan 2009/2010

Meeting: 20/07/2009 - Performance Management Board (Item 27)

27 Improvement Plan 2009/2010 pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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The Board considered a report on the new Improvement Plan for 2009/2010.


During the discussion Members queried the section relating to Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) and it was felt that it would be useful to include actions which would ensure work was not only undertaken quickly but that the work was of a high standard.


It was noted that within the section on the Reduction in the fear of Crime, reference was made to a Community Safety Partnership (CSP) action plan and it was felt it would be helpful if the Board could receive this in due course.


At the request of Members the Assistant Chief Executive undertook to circulate any existing Council HR Drugs and Alcohol Awareness Policy.   



(a)       that the Improvement Plan 2009/2010 be approved subject to the recommendation set out below; and

(b)       that  the Deputy Head of Street Scene and Community be invited to attend the next meeting of the Board in connection with the CSP action plan. 


RECOMMENDED   that additional actions be included within the Improvement Plan to ensure that work undertaken in relation to DFGs is carried out to a high standard.