Issue - meetings

Improvement Plan Exception Report (May 2009)

Meeting: 20/07/2009 - Performance Management Board (Item 26)

26 Improvement Plan Exception Report (May 2009) pdf icon PDF 144 KB


The Board considered the Improvement Plan Exception Report for May 2009.


During discussion on this item the Assistant Chief Executive updated the Board on the situation regarding the funding for the Train Station, including the historic dimension.


It was reported that it was anticipated that the Local Neighbourhood Partnership (LNP) for Charford would be going ahead, although the District Councillors for the area had declined an offer to attend. 



(a)       that the revisions to the Improvement Plan Exception report together with the corrective action being taken be approved;

(b)       that it be noted that for the 78 actions highlighted for May within the plan 76.9% of the Improvement Plan was on target (green), 3.85% was one month behind (amber) and 3.85% was over one month behind (red). 15.4% of actions had been reprogrammed or suspended with approval.


RECOMMENDED   that the arrangements to establish an LNP for the Charford area be proceeded with, notwithstanding the indication that the District Councillors for the area would not be participating.