Issue - meetings

Civil Parking Enforcement - Draft Report to Cabinet

Meeting: 07/07/2009 - Overview Board (Item 19)

19 Draft Report on Civil Parking Enforcement (to consider any comments to forward to the Cabinet) pdf icon PDF 155 KB

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The Head of Street Scene and Community referred to the draft Cabinet report and stated that the first step in the process of establishing the Civil Parking Enforcement proposals was to enter into negotiations with Worcestershire County Council in respect of the entering into an Agency Agreement.  Mr. Bell commented that this agreement would set the scene for the Council to introduce Civil Parking Enforcement, and then enable the Council to manage and enforce parking provision within the district.


He stated that this initial step could take as long as six months and would still not guarantee that the Council would introduce the Civil Parking Enforcement proposals in the event that negotiations with the County Council do not result in an agreement.  Therefore, it was considered that to examine the operational aspects of the scheme at such an early stage may not be beneficial until a satisfactory agreement is reached.  The report to the Cabinet meeting at the end of July 2009 would merely seek approval at this stage for the Council to formally commence negotiations with the County Council.


Members of the Board considered that it was too early to examine the operational policies and procedures at this stage, and that the Head of Street Scene and Community be requested to report back to a future meeting of the Board upon the conclusion of the Agency Agreement.


RESOLVED that the Head of Street Scene and Community be requested to report back to a future meeting of the Board on the implementation of the Civil Parking Enforcement proposals upon the conclusion of the Agency Agreement with the County Council.