Issue - meetings

Verbal updates on progress of Scrutiny Task Groups (to be given by the Task Group Chairmen)

Meeting: 07/07/2009 - Overview Board (Item 17)

Verbal update on progress of Older People Task Group


At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Mrs. M. Bunker addressed the meeting and gave an update in respect of the work of the Older People Task Group.


She reported that, as a result of the enforced cancellation of the meeting to be held on 22nd June 2009, the Task Group had been unable to meet since the update given at the last meeting of the Board.  However, she stated that an alternative date had been arranged for a Task Group meeting on 21st July 2009.


Councillor Mrs. Bunker added that it was unlikely the work of the Task Group would be completed within the allocated four month period and, therefore, she informed the Board that she would be requesting an extension of time for the Task Group to deal with its subject matter.  However, she considered that the Task Group would need to review its anticipated workload in order to determine how much additional time would be needed and, therefore, she would make a formal request for the extension of time at the meeting of the Board to be held on 1st September 2009.