10 Electoral Services PDF 48 KB
1. Shared Services
2. Annual Canvass for the Register of Electors
3. Annual Review of Polling Stations
4. Parish Council Casual Vacancies (for information)
Additional documents:
At the invitation of the Chairman, Mrs. S. Mould, Electoral Services Manager, addressed the meeting. She informed the Forum that the Council's Electoral Services had completed its merger with Redditch Borough Council's Electoral Services under the Shared Services initiative, and outlined how the Elections Team had been restructured.
In addition, Mrs. Mould referred to the following election/electoral matters which may have been of interest to the Forum:
§ the Annual Canvass for the Register of Electors which had commenced at the beginning of September;
§ the Annual Review of Polling Stations; and
§ current Parish Council Casual Vacancies.
After answering questions raised by the Forum, the Chairman thanked Mrs. Mould for attending the meeting.