Issue - meetings

CPA Report and Direction of Travel

Meeting: 15/06/2009 - Performance Management Board (Item 17)

17 Comprehensive Performance Assessment Report pdf icon PDF 40 KB

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The Board considered a report on the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA), including the recommendations made by the Audit Commission and the planned actions to address these. 


Whilst it was appreciated that there was still a need to move towards becoming an excellent Council, Members acknowledged the work undertaken by both officers and Members to enable the Council to progress from poor to fair in less than two years.


The Assistant Chief Executive reported that he felt it would be a useful exercise for the Board to visit two Councils who had progressed from weak to excellent in a short time period, in order to learn from their experiences.


The importance of understanding the Comprehensive Area Assessment regime was also discussed and it was confirmed a Member Briefing on this would take place on 24th September 2009. 



(a)       that the significant improvement in the Council’s CPA rating from poor to fair in less than two years be noted;

(b)       that it be recognised that fair is an average rating and that as the Council’s vision remains ”working together to build a district where people are proud to live and work, through community leadership and excellent services”, there is still a considerable way to go in order to deliver this vision;

(c)        that the recommendations made by the Audit Commission together with the actions being taken to address these be noted.