Issue - meetings

PPG17 Out-turn / Sports Hub Provision (report awaited)

Meeting: 02/06/2009 - Overview Board (Item 9)

PPG17 Out-turn / Sports Hub Provision

Please could Members of the Board bring along (or have access to) the reports to be presented to the meeting of the Cabinet on 3rd June 2009 in connection with this item.



The Deputy Head of Street Scene and Community introduced the two reports to be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting to be held on 3rd June 2009.


(i)         PPG17 Out-turn


Mr. Godwin stated that the report detailed work undertaken by the Local Development Framework Working Party which had considered a report on the findings of the Open Space, Recreation and Sports Needs Study.  He stated that the initial study had been undertaken by Planning and Environment Services to assist Street Scene and Community Services in the development of long term strategies in relation to open space, sport and recreation within the district.


Mr. Godwin reported that the study had been undertaken in accordance with Planning Policy Guidance 17 (PPG17) and had covered ten categories of open space, sport and recreation facilities throughout the district, and set out the recommended quality and accessibility standards in respect of each category.  The study was therefore to be used to help to ensure there is adequate provision of such open space and facilities.


Members then asked Mr. Godwin a number of questions in respect of some of the key areas / priorities identified within the report, including Parks and Gardens, Outdoor Sports Facilities and Allotments.



(a)       that the recommendations contained within the report to Cabinet at its meeting to be held on 3rd June 2009 be noted; and

(b)       that the recommendations made by Cabinet on 3rd June 2009 in respect of the report be referred back to the Board in 12 months' time in order for Members of the Board to assess the delivery of services in respect of PPG17


(ii)        Sports Hub Provision


Mr. Godwin explained that the report in respect of the Sports Hub Provision was closely linked to the playing pitch strategy and outdoor sports facilities review contained within the PPG17 Out-turn report.  It dealt with the proposed allocation of the Capital funding in relation to the Provision of Sports Hubs which formed part of the Council's Forward Capital Programme.


He stated that the report was essentially concerned with football pitch provision because the evidence from the PPG17 Out-turn report indicated that rugby and cricket clubs tend to benefit from better organisational structures and improved facilities in general.  As a result, the Sports Hub Provision report was a starting point for the project as a whole with a view to improving quality of pitches throughout the district.


He summarised each of the scheme / project areas, stating how each area was considered justified under the aims of PPG17 and explained the reasons for the budget provision to each one.  In addition, it was noted that the funding would not be provided without formal undertakings from the sports clubs referred to in the report agreeing to carry out the improvement works for which the funding has been.


Members questioned Mr. Godwin on the works to be carried out and the issues surrounding the provision of sporting facilities in general.  The Board were also keen to note  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9