(a) To receive and note the minutes
(b) To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes
The minutes of the meeting of the Scrutiny Board held on 28th April 2009 were submitted.
The Cabinet was in support of the recommendations relating to the reduction of air pollution by addressing the problem of stationary vehicles with running engines (Minute No 27/08), but queried how regular communication with taxi drivers and operators could be achieved.
In relation to the recommendation relating to the implementation of a new bus station for Bromsgrove (Minute No 30/08), the Executive Director – Partnerships and Projects reported that some upgrading and improvements to the existing bus station were taking place in conjunction with the work on the toilet facilities. The County Council had previously indicated support for the undertaking of a multi modal study which would have included consideration of a new bus station. Unfortunately the study had not yet received approval from the County Council.
It was reported that there was to be a meeting of the Town Centre Steering Group shortly and the Executive Director – Partnerships and Projects undertook to request the Town Centre Project Manager to raise the issue of the study together with the overuse of the Taxi rank at the bus station.
(a) that the recommendations contained at Minute No 27/08 be approved subject to officers giving consideration as to how regular communication with taxi drivers and operators can be achieved effectively;
(b) that further consideration of the issues relating to a new bus station be deferred and that an item be included on the Agenda for the next Cabinet to report the outcome of discussions to take place at the next meeting of the Town Centre Steering Group;
(c) that the remainder of the minutes be noted.