Issue - meetings

Performance Outturns and Targets

Meeting: 18/05/2009 - Performance Management Board (Item 7)

7 Comparison of 2009/10 Targets with 2008/09 Outturns pdf icon PDF 81 KB

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The Board considered a report on forward targets for 2009/2010 as set out in the Council Plan 2009 - 12 compared to the outturns for 2008/09 together with a list of the National Indicators which apply at District level.


Members raised a number of issues in relation to the targets which had been set and the Executive Director – Partnerships and Projects undertook to ensure that the relevant information was sent to Members on:


(a)       Satisfaction measures for Disabled Facilities Grants and why no targets had been set;

(b)       Diversionary activities including a breakdown of how many users are attending each session and why the future targets have been set at this level;

(c)        Residual Waste per household and why the target remains the same for the next three years; and

(d)       the position regarding the National Indicators which are reported at District level and how information on these indicators may be reported back to the Board.



(a)       that the comparison of targets and outturns as set out in Appendix 1 be noted, but that in the light of concerns as to whether the targets set demonstrate an appropriate level of ambition, further consideration be given to this matter; and

(b)       that the list of National Indicators as set out in Appendix 2 be noted .