The Cabinet considered a report on the recommissioning of Home Improvement Agency (HIA) Services and the Implementation of Kickstart Services. It was proposed that the HIA recommissioning process would be based upon the current level of funding from this Authority which would be contributed into a new single Countywide HIA.
The report also proposed that this Authority participate in the Kickstart Scheme which currently operating within the West Midlands, which was now being rolled out to include Authorities within Worcestershire.
(a) that the Council participate in the joint recommissioning of a new Countywide HIA and that the Head of Planning and Environment Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing, be granted delegated authority to finalise the necessary contractual arrangements for the commencement of the new service;
(b) that the Council support the new HIA through the use of revenue and capital base budget contributions which are committed to the current service arrangements with the North Worcestershire Care and Repair Agency.
(c) that the Council’s participation in the Worcestershire Kickstart Scheme, as set out in section 5 of the report, be approved and that the financial and support services available to clients under the Kickstart scheme be noted.