Town Centre Regeneration - Presentation
Mr. H. Bennett welcomed Mr. R. Savory, Bromsgrove Town Centre Regeneration Programme Manager, to the meeting and invited him to address the Forum on the proposals for the redevelopment of the town centre.
Mr. Savory explained that his job was, essentially, to regenerate and revitalise Bromsgrove Town Centre in order to achieve a vibrant and active shopping area, as part of Bromsgrove's role as a thriving market town. He outlined the partner agencies involved in the proposals, which included Worcestershire County Council, the Primary Care Trust, West Mercia Constabulary and the Fire and Rescue Authorities, as well as the District Council.
Mr. Savory stated that the four main strategic aims of the project were to provide a revitalised and attractive town centre; a thriving and diverse economy; new multi-agency public service facilities; and an improved transport infrastructure. He informed the Forum of the regeneration work undertaken so far, together with how the plans were being developed as a consequence of the listing of the former Parkside Middle School Building, and also gave an update on the current position in respect of future proposals and possibilities.
Mr. Savory then responded to a number of questions from members of the Forum, and expanded on a number of the issues in connection with the proposals for a combined police, fire and ambulance ("blue light") centre; the refurbishment of the Market Street Toilet block; the former Parkside Middle School buildings; transportation within and around the town centre; and the enhancement of tourism opportunities within Bromsgrove.
In closing, Mr. Savory promised the Forum that he would ensure copies of the presentation slides would be circulated to members after the meeting, together with details relating to the Town Centre Consultation Survey and proposals for the refurbishment of the Market Street Toilet Facilities.
Mr. Bennett then thanked Mr. Savory for his informative and interesting presentation.