Issue - meetings

Sponsorship Funding - Equalities Impact Assessment

Meeting: 31/03/2009 - Overview Board (Item 51)

51 Sponsorship Funding - Equalities Impact Assessment pdf icon PDF 35 KB

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Members considered the draft Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) relating to the Council’s Sponsorship Policy which had been requested at the last ordinary meeting of the Board.


Mr. Street stated that undertaking an EIA had been a very useful exercise, however, he believed officers still needed to consider the Council’s ethical stance.  It was explained that at the present time there was a clause within each individual legal agreement relating to the types of adverts allowed.  However, it was felt a more encompassing ethical policy was required, particularly as it was hoped that Council sponsorship activities would increase in the future.


It was understood that the current legal agreements clearly stated that certain sponsorship signs would be classed as unacceptable such as those offering or promoting the sale of tobacco or tobacco related products, offering or promoting services of a sexual nature, or in breach of the Council’s duties under Equalities legislation.  However, it was noted by officers that others had been overlooked which the Overview Board had commented on at its last ordinary meeting including promoting the sale of alcohol and promoting gambling. 


It was also accepted that positive messages relating to such items should be allowed if it was of benefit to the community as a whole, for example, highlighting issues surrounding alcohol abuse.


As mentioned at the previous ordinary meeting, Mr. Street confirmed that the Council was exploring the suggestion of working with charities including running events in partnership.  Members and officers agreed that it was important to develop the Council’s relationship with the third sector with regards to sponsorship activities.


The Board considered whether it wished to put forward recommendations to the Cabinet, however, all Members were satisfied with the continuing work of officers.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.