187 Bromsgrove Museum PDF 79 KB
Consideration was given to a report on the progress made by the museum advisory group on actions to address the future of Bromsgrove Museum. Cabinet Members were reminded of their separate roles as Members of the District Council and as Trustees of the Collection.
It was reported that a Development Plan had been received from the Friends of the Norton Collection Charitable Trust (the Friends) and this was being considered. Members gave consideration to the current position of the property market and the need to achieve best value from its assets. Advice was received from the Section 151 Officer in this regard. Following discussion it was
(a) that the establishment of the museum advisory group and the work it had undertaken in relation to the arrangements and costs associated with the future of Bromsgrove Museum be noted;
(b) that the decision made by Cabinet on 1st October 2008, that the land and building which houses the Collection be sold or utilised for the best price achievable, be rescinded; and
(c) that the Friends be offered a 5 year full repairing lease, to be completed within 6 months, at a peppercorn rent, at the expiry of which the Friends be offered the following options:
(i) an option to purchase at the full market value; or
(ii) a further full repairing lease at a commercial rent.
RECOMMENDED that the receipt of a Development Plan be noted and that this be considered by the Council in accordance with the Council’s responsibilities as Trustees of the Collection.