Issue - meetings

Air Quality - Low Emission Zones

Meeting: 31/03/2009 - Overview Board (Item 50)

50 Air Quality - Low Emission Zones pdf icon PDF 31 KB

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Mr. D. Balme from Worcestershire County Council’s Highways was welcomed to the meeting and the information he had supplied relating to Low Emission Zones (LEZ) was discussed.


The Board raised a number of questions such as how the scheme would be administered, the costs of such a scheme and appropriate enforcement arrangements.


Clarification was sought on the stages of the process and the Board was advised by Mr. Balme that the key stakeholders would first need to be consulted to find out if they would support the development of a LEZ for Bromsgrove.  Depending on the outcome of discussions with key stakeholders, it was believed that the second stage would be for the District Council to apply to the County Council for certain roads to be included within a LEZ and for both Councils to work together to develop the scheme, if it was decided that such a scheme was necessary and feasible.


There was concern expressed by some Members over the lack of a financial plan at an earlier stage particularly as it was unclear whether or not the scheme could be self?financing.


Mr. Street stated that a number of issues would need to be considered.  He informed the Board that as there was no central government legislation, the Greater London authority which had developed a LEZ might have done so using a bylaw.  He also advised the Board that when officers had discussed the proposal of developing a LEZ for the areas stated within the recommendation, it appeared it was likely there would be operational difficulties, particularly in relation to the trunk roads in Hagley.  Monitoring and enforcement arrangements would also need to be considered carefully. 


It was understood that as a local authority, the Council had an obligation to reduce carbon emissions which would include vehicle use, however, Mr. Street advised that the feasibility of a LEZ for Bromsgrove District needed to be tested and financial implications considered.



(a)    that, in order to progress the approved recommendation, key stakeholders be consulted to find out what level of support existed for the development of a LEZ within Bromsgrove District, should such a scheme be feasible; and

(b)    that the report be noted.