Draft Core strategy: Planning for housing between Alvechurch and Redditch
This item has been placed on the agenda for the meeting at the request of the Area Committee of CALC (County Association of Local Councils)
Mr. Bennett informed the Forum that a written response had been prepared by an officer within the Planning Policy team. Having read out the response, he stated that a copy would be forwarded by email to the parish councils.
The written response clarified that the consultation relating to the Draft Core Strategy was separate from the West Midland Regional Spatial Strategy [WMRSS] phase 2 Revision consultation which expired in December 2008. It detailed the number of responses received in respect of the consultation, together with the sources of those responses. The document explained the next stages in the process, including the analysis of the representations received, which would then be referred to the Council's Local Government Framework Working Party in due course. It was anticipated that the final version of the Core Strategy would not be submitted to the Secretary of State until the outcome of the WMRSS Examination In Public is known, which may not be until next year.
Mr. Bennett responded to members questions which largely related to procedures in respect of the WMRSS Examination In Public and the allocation of housing for the Bromsgrove and Redditch districts, where the provision for Redditch may ultimately be focussed on land within the Bromsgrove district. He added that the Council's preference for its own allocation would be to incorporate it within the proposals for the town centre and concentrate that allocation around the centre of Bromsgrove.
Mr. Bennett concluded by stating that additional information about the WMRSS Examination In Public would be obtained and forwarded with the minutes of the meeting.
Further information about the WMRSS Examination In Public can be obtained from:
§ http://www.wmra.gov.uk/Planning_and_Regional_Spatial_Strategy/ Planning_and_Regional_Spatial_Strategy.aspx; and
§ http://www.planning-inspectorate.gov.uk/pins/rss/ west_midlands_phase_two/index.htm