Local Neighbourhood Partnerships
This item has been placed on the agenda for the meeting at the request of the Area Committee of CALC (County Association of Local Councils)
Mr. Bennett addressed the Forum and informed members that it was the intention of the Local Neighbourhood Partnerships initiative to avoid adhering to, what could be, restrictive and burdensome codes of practice in order to maintain an informality to the meetings and to ensure any strict guidelines and regulations would not hinder the decision making process. He stated that the Local Neighbourhood Partnerships have specific Terms of Reference, following consultations at related stakeholder meetings (made up of representatives from the County Council, parish councils, Local Strategic Partnership, etc., as well as District Council representatives) in order to guide the issues considered by the Partnerships.
Members asked a number of questions relating to the operation of, and support given to, the Local Neighbourhood Partnerships [LNP's]. Mr. Bennett explained that, when appointed, officers within his Policy team would support the LNP's. Mrs. C. Felton re-iterated Mr. Bennett's previous comments about ensuring a straightforward and proportionately balanced decision making process, unhindered by strict rules and regulations and added that, although some broad principles needed to be established for the LNP's, it was the Council's intention for the Partnerships to be able to have scope for a certain level of autonomy.
In conclusion, Mr. Bennett stated that the draft Terms of Reference can be circulated if required as they were not expected to change too much when considered by the Council's Cabinet in July 2009.