19 Matters arising from the last meeting PDF 13 KB
Information is attached which gives further information in respect of:-
1. Public Speaking at Planning Committee
2. Certificates of Lawfulness Applications - Consultation with Parish Councils
3. Training Programme on Ethical Governance issues
Additional documents:
(a) Planning Consultations
Members commented on the procedures for the completion of a bid for funding under the National Lottery 'Award For All' scheme towards the provision, and stated that the process was rather complicated and long-winded. However, it was felt that the Forum was a useful means by which to share information about how individual bids were progressing.
Mr. Bennett added that the Council would also be able to give assistance and undertook to identify which officers would be best able to help formulate a potentially successful bid application.
(b) Public Speaking at Planning Committee
Members of the Forum welcomed the introduction of public speaking Specifically for the parish councils within the District at Planning Committee meetings.
In respect of the guidance leaflet entitled 'Public Speaking at Planning Committee Meetings', clarification was suggested to make clear that each party (objector, applicant, parish council and relevant Ward Member) had a period of three minutes each in which to speak. This was noted.
(c) Training Programme on Ethical Governance issues
The Forum noted the proposals in respect of the development of a training programme on ethical governance issues for the parish councils, and that an update will be reported at the to the meeting to be held on 23rd June 2009.