Issue - meetings

Overview Investigation Proposal

Meeting: 12/03/2009 - Overview Board (Item 44)

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Consideration was given to the proposal submitted by the Board Chairman, Councillor P. M. McDonald, which related to inappropriate development on Green Belt.


The Vice-Chairman (in the Chair) invited the Board to ask questions of Mr. D. Hammond, Head of Planning and Environment Services, and there was a lengthy discussion on various aspects around policy and Government guidance relating to development in the Green Belt.


It was understood that the aim of the proposal from Councillor McDonald was for an investigation to take place to develop a clear policy on this issue to assist the Planning Committee in making decisions on applications rather than using Government guidelines only.


When questioned, Mr. Hammond referred to PPG2 (appendix 2 to the report) which was the national policy and guidance on Green Belt.  It was explained that the aim of the Green Belt policy was to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open and that under PPG2 there was a general presumption against inappropriate development in the Green Belt.


It was explained that at a local level under the old planning system, Green Belt was also covered within the existing Bromsgrove District Local Plan (adopted in 2004) and this was in accordance with the national planning guidance PPG2.  However, the new planning system was less prescriptive.  Members were reminded that the Bromsgrove District Local Plan would be replaced by the Bromsgrove Local Development Framework (LDF) which was made up of a portfolio of documents, including the Core Strategy.  It was expected by the Government that Core Strategies would not repeat national policy and therefore, Green Belt would not be covered at a local level under the Core Strategy as it would be covered under PPG2.   PPG2 was issued in 1995 and officers were unaware of any plans by the Government to revise national Green Belt policy at the time.


It was stated that there was a presumption against development in the Green Belt unless the proposals fell within a defined list of appropriate development and this was covered under section 3 of PPG2.  The Board was referred to paragraphs 3.4 to 3.10 of PPG2 which related to new buildings and re-use of existing buildings that could be deemed as appropriate development in the Green Belt.


The Board was informed that if a development was deemed to be inappropriate in the Green Belt, planning permission could only be granted if the applicant was able to show that there was ‘very special circumstances’ to justify it.  There was a lengthy discussion on this point as Members contemplated what could be considered as very special circumstances rather than merely ‘circumstances’ or ‘special circumstances’.  It was explained that the very special circumstances must outweigh the harm caused by the inappropriateness of the development and in considering whether such circumstances applied, the decision would have to be based on the individual circumstances of the application, and was in effect, an opportunity for the decision maker to exercise a discretion it had been given by the planning regime.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44