Issue - meetings

Regional Spatial Strategy Revision - Examination in Public Update

Meeting: 16/03/2009 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 36)

36 Regional Spatial Strategy Phase 2 Revision Update pdf icon PDF 64 KB

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Consideration was given to a report on the latest position regarding the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) phase 2 revision. The report clearly set out the background to the current position and the key milestones in the process so far, together with the likely next steps.


It was reported that the RSS Examination in Public would take place between 28th April and 26th June 2009. This Authority had been allocated a “seat at the table” for the Worcestershire Sub Regional sessions and would have the ability to “hot seat” at other sessions. This was to be the subject of further discussion with the County Council.


The Strategic Planning Manager also referred to the recent receipt of a document from the West Midlands Regional Assembly which posed a set of questions and invited this Authority to submit further representations (of not more than 2,000 words) on a number of issues particularly relating to housing allocation figures. The additional submission was required by 31st March 2009.


Members were extremely concerned that this Authority should be able to participate in any sessions of the Examination in Public which whilst they were dealing with issues at a regional level, became more detailed and focused on sub regional issues i.e. housing and employment growth related to Bromsgrove and Redditch/Stratford districts and South Birmingham. This was in addition to the sessions which would focus directly on these issues at a sub regional level where full involvement of the County Council and District Councils involved would be essential.


It was felt that the letter dated 16th February 2009 from the Strategic Planning Manager to the Examination in Public Panel clearly set out the difficult position of this Authority and the complexity of the issues faced. It was noted that further meetings involving both officers and Members of the Authorities involved were to take place to address these issues further. The Head of Planning and Environment and the Strategic Planning Manager fully acknowledged the strong desire of Members to protect the interests of the District and to ensure the best outcomes for its future development were achieved, but re-iterated the limits of the influence which could be exerted over the process. 


RESOLVED  that the latest position in relation to the RSS phase 2 revision including the Examination in Public stage be noted, together with the on-going work being undertaken to achieve the most favourable outcome for the District of Bromsgrove.