Issue - meetings

Staff Survey Results and Staff Stress Survey

Meeting: 17/03/2009 - Performance Management Board (Item 102)

102 Employee Survey 2008 pdf icon PDF 112 KB


Consideration was given to a report on the findings of the Employee Survey 2008, together with the next stage in the process in order to follow up issues identified by the survey.


It was reported that the results of the latest Employee Survey were mixed and that whilst there had been an improvement in areas such as Leadership, Working Relationships and Internal Communication, areas such as Motivation and Job Security had declined. This was not felt to be surprising in view of the Job Evaluation process and on-going Shared Services agenda. Members were also concerned that only 33% of staff had completed the survey and this figure had declined significantly from the previous year. Officers were requested to use all efforts to improve the level of participation in future years.


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development confirmed that further Staff Forums had taken place and it was likely that Focus Groups would meet to address the issues identified as red or amber within the survey and to ensure that progress was maintained in areas identified as green. The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development undertook to send the full results of the survey to all Members for information. 


RESOLVED  that the results of the Employee Survey 2008 be noted.