Issue - meetings

Older People Task Group

Meeting: 03/03/2009 - Overview Board (Item 38)

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At the last meeting, the Overview Board had established a new Task Group to look at the mental and physical wellbeing of the older population.  Therefore, the Board considered the report which outlined options on the way forward for the Task Group.



(a)    that Councillor Mrs. M. Bunker be appointed as Chairman of the Older People Task Group;

(b)    that the Older People Task Group comprise the following Members: Councillors Mrs. M. Bunker (Chairman), D. McGrath, D. L. Pardoe, C. J. Tidmarsh and L. Turner;

(c)     that Ms. A. Sowton, Chairman of the Older People LSP Theme Group, be formally invited to become a co-opted Member of the Task Group;

(d)    that the Overview and Scrutiny Exercise Scoping Checklist, which included the terms of reference of the Older People Task Group, be approved;

(e)    that the Task Group be given 4 months, from the date of its first meeting, to complete its investigation; and

(f)      that the Task Group commences its investigation as soon as there is the necessary officer support from the Assistant Chief Executive (anticipated to be between mid April and end of May 2009).