7 Joint Countywide Scrutiny Report on Flooding PDF 130 KB
Presentation by Mr. P. Street, Executive Director - Partnerships and Projects
At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. P. Street, the Council's Executive Director - Partnerships and Projects, addressed the meeting and gave a presentation about the effects of the July 2007 flooding problems and the related Joint Countywide Scrutiny exercise which had been undertaken subsequently.
Mr. Street explained the Council's duties and responsibilities in connection with the clearance of privately owned watercourses and highlighted the recommendations arising from the scrutiny exercise which related specifically to parish councils; in particular, how parish councils may be able to help in terms of making the most of the local knowledge at a parish level, as well as assisting with communications in the event of similar flooding events in the future. He also outlined details relating to the Council's emergency plan to deal with future flooding issues and drew attention to the problems which had to be identified with planning for such unforeseen occurrences.
Mr. Street then responded to a number of questions from members of the Forum. From the ensuing discussion, the main points of concern were the likely development of additional housing (following on from the earlier item in respect of the West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy) and the related implications this would have in terms of drainage and soakaway land, the enforcement of riparian responsibilities and the resources available in terms of flooding alleviation and prevention.
In conclusion, the Forum expressed its appreciation to Mr. J. Bailey, the Council's Drainage Engineer, for his continuing assistance in relation to flooding and drainage issues, as well as his reassuring advice and wealth of knowledge. The Chairman also thanked Mr. Street for his interesting and informative presentation.
(a) that the recommendations made by the County Joint Scrutiny exercise into the July 2007 flooding be commended to the parish councils; and
(b) that the action plan produced by the Council in response to the recommendations arising from the scrutiny exercise be presented to the January 2010 meeting of the Forum for further discussion.