166 Labour Group Report on Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Free Zones PDF 80 KB
The Cabinet considered a report of the Bromsgrove District Labour Group on
Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Free Zones. The Leader welcomed Councillor P. M. McDonald to the meeting who then introduced the report and responded to questions from Members. This was followed by a detailed discussion on the recommendations contained within the report.
During the discussions Members were informed that West Mercia Constabulary were currently addressing the issues raised in recommendation 2 in relation to crime figures. With regard to recommendation 3 (MUGAs/Skateboard), the Deputy Head of Street Scene and Community Safety confirmed that this was already in place, with one 3 hour session per week being offered at all sites throughout the district. With regard to recommendation 6 (Fixed Penalty Notices), the Deputy Head of Street Scene and Community Safety explained that the idea of Neighbourhood Wardens issuing Fixed Penalty Notices had been discussed and it had been agreed that their role was not seen as an enforcement role.
The Leader emphasised that whilst he had agreed to the report being presented to the Cabinet, Members were aware of the overview and scrutiny process that existed and that this process should be adhered to for the submission of such reports to Cabinet. Future reports would only be accepted by the Cabinet which had followed the correct overview and scrutiny procedures.
(1) that the recommendations set out in the report be noted;
(2) that with regard to recommendation 5 (policy regarding Alcohol Free Zones), the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services be tasked to investigate the policy and process of Alcohol Free Zones within the Council.