Future of the Tourist Information Centre
Consideration was given to a report on the five options for addressing the closure of the Tourist Information Centre and the provision of a tourist information sign posting service through the Customer Service Centre and enhancements to the Council’s website. Officers had explored options utilising facilities at the local Library and the Customer Service Centre. Following further discussions on the implications and costs associated with creating a customised web site, it was
(a) that the Tourist Information Centre be closed as of 31st May 2009 and the current staff be made redundant; and
(b) that officers be tasked to initiate a tender process for a customised website either on or linked to the Council’s existing website which would establish a requirement for a sign posting service to the enhanced web site to be created and to support the economic development aspects of tourism.
RECOMMENDED that the Council approve the redundancy costs associated with the closure of the Tourist Information Centre being met from balances as set out in 4.2 of the report.