(a) To receive and note the minutes
(b) To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes
The minutes of the Overview Board held on 3rd February 2009 were submitted. The recommendations contained in Minute No.s 22/08 (Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Free Zones Report) and 23/08 (CCTV Code of Practice and CCTV Funding) were considered later in the meeting as part of separate reports on these items. It was noted that a response had been received from West Mercia Constabulary regarding the Council’s request for possible funding for CCTV equipment; they had informed the Council that no funding was available.
(a) that the minutes of the meeting be noted;
(b) that the recommendation contained in Minute No. 24/08 relating to the Draft Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy be noted;
(c) that recommendations contained within the Joint Countywide Scrutiny Report on Flooding be approved; and
(d) that approval be given to the recommendation that officers who form the current watercourses officer group be tasked to revise its terms of reference and composition in order to address the implications for the District of any Cabinet approved recommendations contained within the Joint Countywide Scrutiny Flooding Report.